Interface Feature

public interface Feature
A feature extension contract. Typically encapsulates a concept or facility that involves configuration of multiple providers (e.g. filters or interceptors) and/or properties.

A Feature is a special type of JAX-RS configuration meta-provider. Once a feature is registered, its configure(FeatureContext) method is invoked during JAX-RS runtime configuration and bootstrapping phase allowing the feature to further configure the runtime context in which it has been registered. From within the invoked configure(...) method a feature may provide additional runtime configuration for the facility or conceptual domain it represents, such as registering additional contract providers, including nested features and/or specifying domain-specific properties.

Features implementing this interface MAY be annotated with the @Provider annotation in order to be discovered by the JAX-RS runtime when scanning for resources and providers. Please note that this will only work for server side features. Features for the JAX-RS client must be registered programmatically.
