Package jakarta.jms

Interface ServerSession

public interface ServerSession
A ServerSession object is an application server object that is used by a server to associate a thread with a Jakarta Messaging session (optional).

A ServerSession implements two methods:

  • getSession - returns the ServerSession's Jakarta Messaging session.
  • start - starts the execution of the ServerSession thread and results in the execution of the JMS session's run method.

A ConnectionConsumer implemented by a Jakarta Messaging provider uses a ServerSession to process one or more messages that have arrived. It does this by getting a ServerSession from the ConnectionConsumer's ServerSessionPool; getting the ServerSession's Jakarta Messaging session; loading it with the messages; and then starting the ServerSession.

In most cases the ServerSession will register some object it provides as the ServerSession's thread run object. The ServerSession's start method will call the thread's start method, which will start the new thread, and from it, call the run method of the ServerSession's run object. This object will do some housekeeping and then call the Session's run method. When run returns, the ServerSession's run object can return the ServerSession to the ServerSessionPool, and the cycle starts again.

Note that the Jakarta Messaging API does not architect how the ConnectionConsumer loads the Session with messages. Since both the ConnectionConsumer and Session are implemented by the same Jakarta Messaging provider, they can accomplish the load using a private mechanism.

JMS 1.0
Jakarta Messaging 2.0
See Also: