Annotation Interface FlowScoped

FlowScoped is a CDI scope that causes the runtime to consider classes with this annotation to be in the scope of the specified Flow. The implementation must provide an implementation of jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension that implements the semantics such that beans with this annotation are created lazily, when referenced, after the user enters into the specified Flow, and made available for garbage collection when the user exits the specified Flow. See FlowHandler.transition(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, jakarta.faces.flow.Flow, jakarta.faces.flow.Flow, jakarta.faces.flow.FlowCallNode, java.lang.String) for the specification of flow entry and exit.

When replacing (rather than decorating) the flow implementation with a custom FlowHandler implementation, it is necessary to also replace the CDI extension that implements the specified behavior regarding FlowScoped beans.

Events with qualifiers @Initialized, @BeforeDestroyed, and @Destroyed as defined by the CDI specification must fire for this built-in scope.
